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Lena Hansson1

Join us in our Baldness


How would you react if you were suddenly told that soon, you would lose all your hair?


The stories in the book are written by women diagnosed with breast cancer, undergoing chemotherapy, whom with warmth, sincerity, sorrow and humor describe how, after just such a message and in the subsequent harsh treatment period, they found their way and got through this life-changing and identity-testing process.


A book especially for you and your relatives who are facing or have undergone various kinds of treatment. By participating in these women's unique experiences, you get inspiration and tools to become better equipped to cope with a similar journey.


There is a lot of wisdom for everyone to gain, be inspired by and learn, through these strong and revealing stories. A book about beauty and strength from within. Feel free to engulf deeper and get to know us, and maybe a new part of yourself.

You may even find yourself smiling a little together with us in these stories.

In the spring of 2019, Angelica Amazona Weijland,

like so many other women, was diagnosed with breast cancer. The treatment would be with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy where hair loss was one of the obvious external side effects.

Right here it became clear that there was a lack of easily accessible information and literature on the important topic of hair loss and identity.

Angelica therefore engaged diagnosed women to tell the story of their experiences in this book to support others in a similar situation. An important part of the message in this book, is also to downplay the taboo and prejudices that do exist in society concerning hair loss, illness and appearance.

Preface "Chemo Queens The strength is not in your hair"

"No one should be ashamed of losing their hair"


Baldness due to cytotoxic drugs… that is the very image of a sick, weak and scared person? In any case, it was the image I had before I embarked on this turbulent cancer journey, also that was the reaction that I was too often confronted with during my hairless ongoing chemotherapy treatment.Of course, no one wants to lose their hair, it should just be there - it is to some extent your "I".In this book, I want to show the Chemo queens “side of the story”, a story that is not so often highlighted.What tools can we find to deal with this sudden hair-loss message while putting life and health at the forefront? How do you find the strength from within to be able to stand tall in your baldness and say:"The power and beauty is there, inside me, with or without hair". I want to open the door to this taboo and for many frightening subject, in order to provide support to diagnosed and their relatives who are facing a similar journey. I hope and believe that the stories also contribute to people being able to meet us chemo queens in the streets and there see the struggle, strength, beauty and zest for life in our eyes, instead of a sick bald, weak and scared person.

Affected but strong, beautiful and brave Chemo queens (and kings) are everywhere around us. I want to introduce you to some of us. In the book, 22 fantastic women with sorrow, sincerity, warmth and humor share their experiences in connection with hair loss, with the hope that through their stories they can help others in similar situations and offer everyone else an insight. Welcome to engulf deeper and get to know us and maybe a new part of yourself.